How does one study for 10 hours?
If I ask you, How should I run 20 km daily ?
Your answer would be start running 1–2 km daily and gradually increase it ! Isn't it ? And after few months I would be able to run 10 kms and gradually 20 kms .
What would happen if I run 20 kms on starting day ? Either I would be declared next Mumbai marathon champion or I won't be able to restart my running next day .
Running needs physical stamina which doesn't develop suddenly , while studying needs focus and concentration , which directly or indirectly represents your mental stamina which develops gradually according to your efforts and dedication .
Simultaneously , If you start reading suddenly 12 hours per day , you can't continue this for more than 2–3 days because your mind will demand rest as it is not adapted for such a rigorous mental workout , and you will not be able to continue your plan to study for 10 hours , if you won't be able to continue your schedule , it will damage your self confidence and enthusiasm further your subconscious mind will conceive that you can't study for long hours and then you will never try such marathon hours study plans anymore in your life 😛 , I don't want such downhearted ending of your journey ended at a toll rather than a destination !
So here are few suggestions -
- Start reading , few hours initially and gradually increase .
- If you can't cop up with your course book for more than few hours , add other interesting books or subscribe few amazing and informative website in your reading menu to keep your awesome reading journey going on .
- Don't stop reading , words are food of your brain , It's saying that “Today a leader tomorrow a leader ! , which is an ultimate truth.
- Use caffeine as your concentration booster
- Schedule your reading times and follow them religiously.
One of my batch-mate who is pursuing MD in medicine from LHMC ( lady hardinge Medical college) started his Pre-PG preparation starting from 2 hours daily and he was seen spending 16 hours on daily basis after few months , he was an ideal reader for most of the future doctors in medical college library . Many of my students who have been selected in various medical colleges have started their journey from few hours to hell lot of hours .
So you start doing it , your brain will understand your need and will start developing stamina for your books and for yourself 🙂